Grant Professionals commenced in 2010 when Robert discovered the world of grants for sporting clubs. He decided to apply and was ultimately successful with a number of grants for all his children’s sporting clubs.
After a number of years on club committees, Robert quickly realised that being a volunteer committee member was an incredibly difficult and somewhat unrewarding role to fill together with full-time employment. He also realised that without grants it was very difficult to grow sporting clubs, increase participation, and be strategic. And that is why the government offers them – to support the incredible work volunteer committees do for the community in keeping people active in sport.
Robert kept on applying and winning grants, enabling some of his children’s clubs to be more than just operational, but grow in a way they had never done before in their history.
Soon other clubs became aware, initially simply by word of mouth, and asked Robert to apply on their behalf. The business grew and the rest is history, with Grant Professionals currently writing grants for 1,200 clubs, 30 associations/leagues, and a number of officiating (referee and umpire) groups as well as other not-for-profit organisations that serve the sporting industry.
Robert has now assembled a very capable team around him.