“Sure, we could possibly write grants, but this would be at the expense of many other tasks at the club or family time. We have found it more sensible to outsource grant identification and writing to the Professionals and instead focus on other tasks we are better at. Melton RDA is very pleased with the win record we have thanks to Grant Professionals. They are such an asset, we don’t need to look any further”Marg Behan, President, Riding for Disabled (RDA) Melton Branch

“The way Grant Professionals charge suits us nicely and would suit most clubs and Associations I would imagine. Given Grant Professionals only get paid if the grant application is successful, we are not paying up front nor are we paying for their time, we only pay if we win a grant hence basically wear no risk. Writing one grant application could be achievable for our Association but then the next grant is so different. Different guidelines, different objectives, different questions, different forms, different grant system, etc.”Wes Armstrong, Wyndham Netball Association

The Ringwood & District Cricket Association (RDCA) was named Victoria’s Community Cricket Association of the Year for Season 2022/23 at the annual Community Cricket Awards. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the team at Grant Professionals for your support throughout the year to assist us to win this award. Michael Finn, President, Ringwood & District Cricket Association

“The team is super responsive, friendly, responsible at meeting deadlines and very customer focussed. They have helped us win grants for our sports club as well as for our constituent footy and cricket clubs. One thing which sticks out after we had won a large grant and after we had already paid Grant Professionals, was the assistance we received from them to repeatedly submit reports to the grant provider. They did this with no hesitation in a professional and responsive manner.”Malcolm Smith, Chairperson Schramms Sports Club, Doncaster Football Club, Doncaster Junior Football Club, Fitzroy Doncaster Cricket Club

“We were really pleased at being successful with some grants that we initially were unsuccessful with. Grant Professionals reapplied and won the grant. We had given up. Also simply finding the most suitable grants is key up front, no point writing a great application if that grant is really not suited to either our organsiation or what we want to apply for. Grants have allowed us to grow so much”Lori Ristevski, President, West Point Soccer Club


“Grant Professionals clearly have a lot of experience in the sporting sector. They have helped us to define eligible projects that we want to run and have then written grant applications for us to obtain the funds necessary to deliver them. They then helped us to acquit the grants!”Matt Davey, President Koo Wee Rup Cricket Club

“We discussed at a committee level about whether we could start writing grants ourselves. Given the silence around the table, we then all agreed that it is clearly worth paying Grant Professional’s success fees as opposed to doing nothing. We agreed that we should be appreciative of receiving a donut with a hole in it instead of focussing on the hole in it.”Marco De La Plaza, President, Eynesbury Eagles Soccer Club